Results for 'Klaus Donat Haegi'

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  1. Die politische Freiheit im Werk von Jean-Jacques Rousseau.Klaus Donat Haegi - 1963 - Winterthur,: P.G. Keller.
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    Motivating Donors to Genetic Research? Anthropological Reasons to Rethink the Role of Informed Consent.Klaus Hoeyer & Niels Lynöe - 2005 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 9 (1):13-23.
    In this article we explore the contribution from social anthropology to the medical ethical debates about the use of informed consent in research, based on blood samples and other forms of tissue. The article springs from a project exploring donors’ motivation for providing blood and healthcare data for genetic research to be executed by a Swedish start-up genomics company. This article is not confined to empirical findings, however, as we suggest that anthropology provides reason to reassess the theoretical understanding of (...)
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    “That is why I have trust”: unpacking what ‘trust’ means to participants in international genetic research in Pakistan and Denmark.Zainab Sheikh & Klaus Hoeyer - 2018 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 21 (2):169-179.
    Trust features prominently in a number of policy documents that have been issued in recent years to facilitate data sharing and international collaboration in medical research. However, it often remains unclear what is meant by ‘trust’. By exploring a concrete international collaboration between Denmark and Pakistan, we develop a way of unpacking trust that shifts focus from what trust ‘is’ to what people invest in relationships and what references to trust do for them in these relationships. Based on interviews in (...)
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    Subjective Well-Being From a Just-World Perspective: A Multi-Dimensional Approach in a Student Sample.Sofya Nartova-Bochaver, Matthias Donat & Claudia Rüprich - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Comportamento em Wittgenstein, Behaviorismo Metodológico e Comportamentalismo: semelhanças e diferenças.Luiz Guilherme Nunes Cicotte & Mirian Donat - 2021 - Voluntas: Revista Internacional de Filosofia 12 (2):e08.
    A noção de comportamento se faz importante em Wittgenstein, principalmente relacionada a argumentação da linguagem privada e o seguir regras. O Behaviorismo propõe, justamente, o comportamento, que é desenvolvido posteriormente, como objeto de estudo em uma espécie de revolução da ciência psicológica para que esta ganhasse o estatuto de ciência. Partindo de noções de comportamento distintas em Wittgenstein, no behaviorismo metodológico e no comportamentalismo, o presente ensaio tem quatro objetivos: 1) apresentar uma noção de comportamento em Wittgenstein; 2) apresentar a (...)
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    The Parnellism of Sean O'Faolain.Donat O'Donnell - 1950 - Renascence 3 (1):3-14.
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    Evelyn Waugh and Fascism.Evelyn Waugh & Donat Gallagher - 1999 - The Chesterton Review 25 (3):388-390.
  8. The Neurological Disease Ontology.Mark Jensen, Alexander P. Cox, Naveed Chaudhry, Marcus Ng, Donat Sule, William Duncan, Patrick Ray, Bianca Weinstock-Guttman, Barry Smith, Alan Ruttenberg, Kinga Szigeti & Alexander D. Diehl - 2013 - Journal of Biomedical Semantics 4 (42):42.
    We are developing the Neurological Disease Ontology (ND) to provide a framework to enable representation of aspects of neurological diseases that are relevant to their treatment and study. ND is a representational tool that addresses the need for unambiguous annotation, storage, and retrieval of data associated with the treatment and study of neurological diseases. ND is being developed in compliance with the Open Biomedical Ontology Foundry principles and builds upon the paradigm established by the Ontology for General Medical Science (OGMS) (...)
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    Games Characterizing Limsup Functions and Baire Class 1 Functions.Márton Elekes, János Flesch, Viktor Kiss, Donát Nagy, Márk Poór & Arkadi Predtetchinski - 2022 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 87 (4):1459-1473.
    We consider a real-valued function f defined on the set of infinite branches X of a countably branching pruned tree T. The function f is said to be a limsup function if there is a function $u \colon T \to \mathbb {R}$ such that $f(x) = \limsup _{t \to \infty } u(x_{0},\dots,x_{t})$ for each $x \in X$. We study a game characterization of limsup functions, as well as a novel game characterization of functions of Baire class 1.
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    (2 other versions)Readings for A history of anthropological theory.Paul A. Erickson & Liam Donat Murphy (eds.) - 2013 - North York, Ontario, Canada: University of Toronto Press.
    This comprehensive anthology offers over 40 readings that are critical to the understanding of anthropological theory and the development of anthropology as an academic discipline. The fourth edition maintains a strong focus on the "four-field" roots of the discipline in North America but has been reorganized with a new section on twenty-first-century theory, including coverage of postcolonial and public anthropology. New key terms and introductions accompany each reading and a revamped glossary makes the book more student-friendly. Used on its own, (...)
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    Las micotoxinas: el enemigo silencioso.Antonio Javier Ramos Girona, Sonia Marín Sillué, Francisco Molino Gahete, Pilar Vila Donat & Vicente Sanchis Almenar - 2020 - Arbor 196 (795):540.
    Las micotoxinas son metabolitos fúngicos secunda­rios que pueden ejercer un efecto tóxico tanto en el hombre como en los animales debido, principalmente, a su exposición a través de los alimentos. La presencia de estos compuestos ha sido demostrada en una amplia variedad de materias primas, alimentos y piensos, en los que lo habitual es encontrar de for­ma frecuente una contaminación múltiple por diferentes mico­toxinas, en pequeñas cantidades, lo que puede generar efectos tóxicos subcrónicos, así como bioacumulación. Este artículo revisa los (...)
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  12. Lebendige Gegenwart: Die Frage nach der Seinsweise des Transzendentalen Ich bei Edmund Husserl, Entwickelt am Leitfaden der Zeitproblematik.Klaus Held - 1966 - Springer.
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    An interference model of visual working memory.Klaus Oberauer & Hsuan-Yu Lin - 2017 - Psychological Review 124 (1):21-59.
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    Beware of samples! A cognitive-ecological sampling approach to judgment biases.Klaus Fiedler - 2000 - Psychological Review 107 (4):659-676.
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    (1 other version)Thinking in Complexity: The Complex Dynamics of Matter, Mind, and Mankind.Klaus Mainzer - 1994 - Springer.
    The theory of nonlinear complex systems has become a successful and widely used problem-solving approach in the natural sciences - from laser physics, quantum chaos and meteorology to molecular modeling in chemistry and computer simulations of cell growth in biology. In recent times it has been recognized that many of the social, ecological and political problems of mankind are also of a global, complex and nonlinear nature. And one of the most exciting topics of present scientific and public interest is (...)
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  16. Teleology of the Practical in Aristotle: The Meaning of “πρᾶξις”.Klaus Corcilius - 2019 - Manuscrito 42 (4):352-386.
    I show that in his De motu animalium Aristoteles proposes a teleology of the practical on the most general zoological level, i.e. on the level common to humans and self-moving animals. A teleology of the practical is a teleological account of the highest practical goals of animal and human self-motion. I argue that Aristotle conceives of such highest practical goals as goals that are contingently related to their realizations. Animal and human self-motion is the kind of action in which certain (...)
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  17. Ideal Intellectual Cognition in Timeaus 37 A 2 – C 5.Klaus Corcilius - 2018 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 54:51-106.
    Plato's depiction of the world soul's cognitive activity in Timaeus 37 A 2‐C 5 offers a general account of intellectual cognition. He gives this account by describing the activity of an ideal cognitive agent, involving the very same comparative mechanism that governs human intellectual activity, namely, the active production of a propositional grasp of sameness and difference that things have in relation to each other in several respects. Plato depicts the world soul's intellectual activity as entirely devoid of immediate forms (...)
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    Logik der Zeit - Zeit der Logik: eine Einführung in die Zeitphilosophie.Klaus Kornwachs - 2001 - Münster: Lit Verlag.
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    Studying appraisal-driven emotion processes: taking stock and moving to the future.Klaus R. Scherer - 2018 - Cognition and Emotion 33 (1):31-40.
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    What determines a feeling's position in affective space? A case for appraisal.Klaus Scherer, Elise Dan & Anders Flykt - 2006 - Cognition and Emotion 20 (1):92-113.
    The location of verbally reported feelings in a three-dimensional affective space is determined by the results of appraisal processes that elicit the respective states. One group of participants rated their evaluation of 59 pictures from the International Affective Picture System (IAPS) on a profile of nine appraisal criteria. Another group rated their affective reactions to the same pictures on the classic dimensions of affective meaning (valence, arousal, potency). The ratings on the affect dimensions correlate differentially with specific appraisal ratings. These (...)
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    Incongruency effects in affective processing: Automatic motivational counter-regulation or mismatch-induced salience?Klaus Rothermund, Anne Gast & Dirk Wentura - 2011 - Cognition and Emotion 25 (3):413-425.
    Attention is automatically allocated to stimuli that are opposite in valence to the current motivational focus (Rothermund, 2003; Rothermund, Voss, & Wentura, 2008). We tested whether this incongruency effect is due to affective–motivational counter-regulation or to an increased salience of stimuli that mismatch with cognitively activated information. Affective processing biases were assessed with a search task in which participants had to detect the spatial position at which a positive or negative stimulus was presented. In the motivational condition, positive or negative (...)
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    Is causal induction based on causal power? Critique of Cheng (1997).Klaus Lober & David R. Shanks - 2000 - Psychological Review 107 (1):195-212.
  23. Husserl's Phenomenology of the Life-World.Klaus Held - 2003 - In Donn Welton, The New Husserl: A Critical Reader. Indiana University Press.
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    Understanding the Mechanisms Underlying the Production of Facial Expression of Emotion: A Componential Perspective.Klaus R. Scherer, Marcello Mortillaro & Marc Mehu - 2013 - Emotion Review 5 (1):47-53.
    We highlight the need to focus on the underlying determinants and production mechanisms to fully understand the nature of facial expression of emotion and to settle the theoretical debate about the meaning of motor expression. Although emotion theorists have generally remained rather vague about the details of the process, this has been a central concern of componential appraisal theories. We describe the fundamental assumptions and predictions of this approach regarding the patterning of facial expressions for different emotions. We also review (...)
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  25.  42
    Heraklit, Parmenides Und der Anfang von Philosophie Und Wissenschaft: Eine Phänomenologische Besinnung.Klaus Held - 1980 - New York: De Gruyter.
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    Sartres Sozialphilosophie: Eine Untersuchung zur “Critique de la raison dialectique 1”.Klaus Hartmann - 2019 - Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG.
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    Historical justice and memory.Klaus Neumann & Janna Thompson (eds.) - 2015 - Madison, Wisconsin: The University of Wisconsin Press.
    Historical Justice and Memory highlights the global movement for historical justice—acknowledging and redressing historic wrongs—as one of the most significant moral and social developments of our times. Such historic wrongs include acts of genocide, slavery, systems of apartheid, the systematic persecution of presumed enemies of the state, colonialism, and the oppression of or discrimination against ethnic or religious minorities. The historical justice movement has inspired the spread of truth and reconciliation processes around the world and has pushed governments to make (...)
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    Image Dissection in Natural Scientific Inquiry.Klaus Amann & Karin Knorr-Cetina - 1990 - Science, Technology and Human Values 15 (3):259-283.
    Images are objects of work in the laboratory. On its face, this work is achieved through talk Yet the talk attached to these images makes reference to other images, which are drawn from varcous environments. In this article, four such environments are identified: the domain of laboratory practice; the context of invisible physical reactions; the future image as it will appear in publication; and the domain of case precedents and reference scenarios from the field. The work of image analysis brings (...)
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    Intercultural Understanding and The Role of Europe.Klaus Held - 1995 - The Monist 78 (1):5-17.
    The following considerations have their origin in the recent debate on inter-cultural understanding. In one respect one might characterize the opposing positions in this debate as anthropological universalism and anthropological relativism. Each party, however, imputes to the other a hidden Eurocentrism. The intention of my paper is to show that a third way between these opposing positions is possible, a way that becomes evident when one reflects explicitly on the bearing of European culture on this debate.
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    Evidence against decay in verbal working memory.Klaus Oberauer & Stephan Lewandowsky - 2013 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 142 (2):380.
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    Dangers of the digital fit: Rethinking seamlessness and social sustainability in data-intensive healthcare.Klaus Hoeyer & Sarah Wadmann - 2018 - Big Data and Society 5 (1).
    For years, attempts at ensuring the social sustainability of digital solutions have focused on ensuring that they are perceived as helpful and easy to use. A smooth and seamless work experience has been the goal to strive for. Based on document analysis and interviews with 15 stakeholders, we trace the setting up of a data infrastructure in Danish General Practice that had achieved just this goal – only to end in a scandal and subsequent loss of public support. The ease (...)
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    Explaining and simulating judgment biases as an aggregation phenomenon in probabilistic, multiple-cue environments.Klaus Fiedler - 1996 - Psychological Review 103 (1):193-214.
  33. Music evoked emotions are different–more often aesthetic than utilitarian.Klaus Scherer & Marcel Zentner - 2008 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 31 (5):595-596.
    We disagree with Juslin & Vll's (J&V's) thesis that music-evoked emotions are indistinguishable from other emotions in both their nature and underlying mechanisms and that music just induces some emotions more frequently than others. Empirical evidence suggests that frequency differences reflect the specific nature of music-evoked emotions: aesthetic and reactive rather than utilitarian and proactive. Additional mechanisms and determinants are suggested as predictors of emotions triggered by music.
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    Versuch einer Systematisierung der Kollektivwissenschaft.Klaus P. Hansen - 2015 - Zeitschrift Für Kultur- Und Kollektivwissenschaft 1 (1):89-110.
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    On Taking the Transcendental Turn.Klaus Hartmann - 1966 - Review of Metaphysics 20 (2):223 - 249.
    THIS PAPER is not a piece of "research"; it simply offers a series of reflections on the transcendental method. It is occasioned by the realization that, while this method is interesting and important in the opinion of some, it can count on little familiarity in the United States. And where philosophers and students of philosophy make the effort, they have great difficulty appreciating transcendental philosophy or understanding its proposals. This difficulty is, as I say, largely circumstantial and due to a (...)
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    Measurement models for visual working memory—A factorial model comparison.Klaus Oberauer - 2023 - Psychological Review 130 (3):841-852.
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  37. Spekulation und Reflexion. Zur Zusammenarbeit Schellings und Hegels in Jena.Klaus Düsing - 1969 - Hegel-Studien 5:95-128.
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    Control of information in working memory: Encoding and removal of distractors in the complex-span paradigm.Klaus Oberauer & Stephan Lewandowsky - 2016 - Cognition 156:106-128.
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    Evaluative conditioning depends on higher order encoding processes.Klaus Fiedler & Christian Unkelbach - 2011 - Cognition and Emotion 25 (4):639-656.
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    Three decades of Cognition & Emotion: A brief review of past highlights and future prospects.Klaus Rothermund & Sander L. Koole - 2018 - Cognition and Emotion 32 (1):1-12.
  41. Praktische Syllogismen bei Aristoteles.Klaus Corcilius - 2008 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 90 (3):247-297.
    This paper discusses Aristotle's notion of the practical syllogism. It is argued that the notion of ‘practical’ reasoning in the sense of reasoning which implies motion in one sense or the other is alien to Aristotle's philosophy of nature. All (at least in type) the relevant passages will be discussed. The outcome is that there are three different contexts in which it would be justified to speak of practical syllogisms: (i) human deliberation, (ii) the illustration of the triggering cause of (...)
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  42. Symmetry and Complexity. The Spirit and Beauty of Nonlinear Science.Klaus Mainzer - 2008 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 39 (1):173-177.
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    Computational complexity on computable metric spaces.Klaus Weirauch - 2003 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 49 (1):3-21.
    We introduce a new Turing machine based concept of time complexity for functions on computable metric spaces. It generalizes the ordinary complexity of word functions and the complexity of real functions studied by Ko [19] et al. Although this definition of TIME as the maximum of a generally infinite family of numbers looks straightforward, at first glance, examples for which this maximum exists seem to be very rare. It is the main purpose of this paper to prove that, nevertheless, the (...)
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  44. Deskription. Die historischen Voraussetzungen und die Rezeption Brentanos.Klaus Hedwig - 1988 - Brentano Studien 1:31-45.
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  45. “Ethics wars”: Reflections on the Antagonism between Bioethicists and Social Science Observers of Biomedicine1.Klaus Hoeyer - 2006 - Human Studies 29 (2):203-227.
    Social scientists often lament the fact that philosophically trained ethicists pay limited attention to the insights they generate. This paper presents an overview of tendencies in sociological and anthropological studies of morality, ethics and bioethics, and suggests that a lack in philosophical interest might be related to a tendency among social scientists to employ either a deficit model (social science perspectives accommodate the sense of context that philosophical ethics lacks), a replacement model (social scientists have finally found the “right way” (...)
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    Mood and the generation effect.Klaus Fiedler, Stefanie Nickel, Judith Asbeck & Ulrike Pagel - 2003 - Cognition and Emotion 17 (4):585-608.
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    Logic of deficient and eminent modes in Heidegger.Klaus Hartmann - 1974 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 5 (2):118-134.
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    Einleitung.Klaus Held - 1980 - In Heraklit, Parmenides Und der Anfang von Philosophie Und Wissenschaft: Eine Phänomenologische Besinnung. New York: De Gruyter. pp. 1-10.
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    Automatic attention to stimuli signalling chances and dangers: Moderating effects of positive and negative goal and action contexts.Klaus Rothermund, Dirk Wentura & Peter M. Bak - 2001 - Cognition and Emotion 15 (2):231-248.
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    Aristotle’s Generation of Animals V as a Coda.Klaus Corcilius - 2022 - In Sabine Föllinger, Aristotle’s ›Generation of Animals‹: A Comprehensive Approach. De Gruyter. pp. 67-100.
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